Contract Management Consultant Marita Willman has participated as a chairman and speaker in many contract management business seminars and training events.

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Contract Management Consultant Marita Willman has participated as a speaker of chairman in many contract management business seminars and training events over the years.

Training and Speaker Events

Future training events:

15-17 October 2024 Marcus Evans

Contract Management for In-House Lawyers and Contract Professionals – A Process Oriented View of the Contract Life Cycle

Link to Marcus Evans event page and registration

This training will be held as a remote training. The training is scheduled 10:00 – 13:30 CET each three days (3,5 hours each day).

Link to the training Agenda

Day 1: Pre-Award Phase: From Initial Contract Need to Signing

Day 2: Post-Award phase: Contract management is not just archiving or document management – so what does it include?

Day 3: Contract Life Cycle Management: Contract term options, important contract dates to follow and know in advance. Learn how to manage hundreds – even thousands of contracts – and their dates and terms

Past Training and Speaker Events:


  • Organizing contract management, virtual training
    24 May 2024 with FCG Finnish Consulting Group

  • Data protection – Course for Data Protection Officers with FCG Finnish Consulting Group: Lectures of the following topics:
    – Roles in data protection and transfer of personal data
    – Contracts and procurement from the data protection point of view
  • Contract management training course virtual online training with FCG Finnish Consulting Group
    Course program included four sessions:
    1. Pre-signing phase and signing of the contract
    2. Post-signing phase and implementation of the contract, expiration
    3. Contract terms and contract life cycle management
    4. How to draft a good and clear contract from the contract management point of view.
  • 2023: Lecture: Contract management systems and how they support modern contract management needs – Procurement Day 9 June 2023: FCG Finnish Consulting Group

  • 2022: Training courses: Contract management theme day with Finnish Business Archive Association 29 December 2022.

  • 2022: Webinar series with Association of Finnish Municipalities. General and operational contract management and contract management with the focus in public procurement contracts.

  • 2018: Contract management and digitalization.
    • Case: Corporate and Contract Management in International Corporation – Start, goals, and experience of the roll-out phase. Organizer: WorldCC Finland (World Commerce and Contracting Association).
  • 2017: Electronic signature and contracts. Organizer: Finnish Business Archive Association.
  • 2016: SharePoint and Office 365 seminar. Presentation “Contract management and SharePoint”.
  • 2012: Speaker at the contract management event for Industrial Lawyers Association in Finland.
Contract Management Consultant Marita Willman has participated as a speaker of chairman in many contract management business seminars and training events over the years.

Contractia – Your Partner in Contract Management Development

Contractia has participated in over 70 contract management projects over the years.

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Manage Your Contracts

Manage your contracts

Manage Your Contracts

Manage your contracts.